«Agrofirma «KRiMM» was organized in 1999 on the base of «Niva» farm existing since 1988. Currently Agricultural company - one of the largest holdings in Russia for seed potato and vegetables producing with a total cultivated area more than 26 000 hectares. The specialization and concentration principles, scientific - technical progress implementation , economic competitiveness and quality of the products are in the very foundation of the company. Agricultural company efficiently uses the best selection achievements, applies the most advanced technologies in seed production and vegetable growing, the latest models of specialized machinery and equipment. There was created the powerful and modern technical base for growing, storaging and selling seed/ware potato, vegetables and cereals. Harvesting more than 180 thousand tons of gross production was achieved even in difficult years due to the irrigation area of 2500 hectares. We pay great attention to constant increase ware capacities, improve working conditions and the quality of customers service. Due to the chosen strategy, the hard work of our team, huge invest policy «Agrofirma «KRiMM» achieved the world level in leading the plant-growing and surely provided the growing demands for its partners.
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